Sunday, 18 December 2011

Further video Influences For My experimental film

Whilst i was studying the type of cinematography style i would like re-create i came across the film Eadweard Muybridge. this video piece used images synced to an audio track. This inspired me to create my own piece of cinematography using images that sync to audio to give the visuals an added sense of pace and movement.

I decided to look at a few Music Videos to see what techniques i could copy and implement into my own piece starting with a drum and bass music Video entitled "Roni size - Brown Paper Bag"

The Reverse, forward and rewind aspects of this video work brilliantly to reflect the audio track used and i will utilize these stylistic choice within my film.

The second Music Video i took influence from was a music video that i acted in and helped to Edit Last year. The track was entitled Break - Between the lines (Ft Sp MC)

One of the main aspects of this video id like to implement into my piece is the use and speed of the shot cuts i feel it really complements the backtrack and keeps the pace going. Another i noticed about this video that i would like to implement is the shapes and form of the human figures used in certain parts of the video that complement the sound effects and pauses.

The third video that helped to shape My film was a promotional one from a festival called outlook this year.

The visual movement in this video was another aspect of visual that i would like to use. As although the crowd in many of these shots aren't still for a traditionally composed shot. The movement creates feelings of fun, happyness and Freedom

I feel taking influence from these videos as well as the Inspirations of modern and realist art. I can create an experimental collage that can be though provoking as well as interesting to Watch.

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