The first Film i choose to study for the lighting used was 'La Haine' a French Film Made in 1995.
For this image i choose to Analyze the possible lighting positions of the shot and Highlighted The possible angles.
The green arrows point to the positions in which i think the lighting was directed and the yellow scribbles highlight the shadows which justify my choice of the set positions.
The thing i like about the shot is how the way the character is lit portrays a lot about his character. The lighting from about his head creates a shadow beneath his eyes that gives the impression that the character has a dark undertone and is most probably a bad or evil person.
The next Film i choose to study for the lighting Positions Was Sin City.
For this Image I have used;
Green to show the Direction of Lights
Yellow to highlight the dark/Shadowed Areas and...
Pink to Show a another possible light used for the shot
I think this light is really effective in this image as it makes the character stand out in the middle of the frame. I think the fact that half of her face is shadows helps to bring the dark and sometimes depressing Themes of the film.
The third image i choose to look at for the way it uses lighting was a film Called Woman on the run that was released in 1950.
For this analysis i have Used;
Green to show the lighting direction
Yellow to highlight the shadows
and Blue to highlight the spill of light from the lighting directions.
The use of lighting positions in this image really portray the emotional aspects of the character. I think the fact that half of his face is lit buy the other half shadowed shows that this character isn't generally a bright upbeat person. The use of shadow on his shoulder also shows how he has some sort of problem that lingers over him within this scene.
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